Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Rick Owens SS14

I just took the time to look at the Rick Owens SS14 video in its entirety and if you haven't seen it, you should. Some people say that Owens, in an attempt to say F U to the fashion industry, did just the opposite. They've said he has enforced the stereotype of an angry black woman and exploited these step teams. I however, completely disagree with Owens' critics. When I began to look at the show, the first thing I did was try to look at the clothing. But it was difficult to see the clothing outside of the context in which I normally view them. On the coat hangers that we refer to as models. 

What I thought Owens did that was genius was putting these clothes not only in a performance, but on real women--these dancers are women, no? Our minds have been accustomed to seeing models wearing clothing and then having women of not so slight measurements translate these pieces. Owens completely skipped that step for us and took it there, past manufacturing and the sales rack and onto the body of women who aren't models. He challenged our ability to see, not only beauty (these pieces are beautifully constructed) but to see clothing on a woman that isn't a model without judging her. That is what a fashion show is for. Not to judge the model, but to judge the clothing. Looking at the clothing, there were a plethora of details that one didn't notice, not because you weren't looking at them, but because he/she was too busy passing judgement on the way in which they were presented. 

Just my thoughts though.

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